Where much of pop music has been the flavor of the day, true craftsmanship stands the test of time.
Record Reviews
Various Artists, Where Is Parker Griggs?
Posted on January 13, 2012 Mike EliasTo answer the question, Parker Griggs is on tracks one and four on this label compilation. Griggs is a member of the two-piece power trio, Radio Moscow with bassist Zack Anderson.
Grand Funk Railroad, Phoenix
Posted on January 11, 2012 DJ Father TimeThe title Phoenix represents the band’s break with former manager, Terry Knight after a long year of litigation. It’s also the first LP that was self-produced. Although there is no mention of it on the cover or on the record, this is the last album where the band was known as Grand Funk Railroad. All future releases they would just be Grand Funk.
Marianne Faithfull, Horses and High Heels
Posted on November 15, 2011 Mike EliasFaithfull is a great interpreter. She’s a squatter, claiming what she lands on and taking ownership.
Kasey Anderson, Heart of a Dog
Posted on October 26, 2011 Mike EliasHeart of a Dog opens with, “The Wrong Light;” a song built on a fuzzed-out guitar riff, part Neil Young, part Black Sabbath, and a lot of nasty.
Nick Lowe, The Old Magic
Posted on October 14, 2011 Mike EliasIf you pick up the vinyl version, it’s pressed at 45 rpms with wide grooves and it sounds spectacular. Yep Roc should’ve leased the RCA Living Stereo logo for this release.
SuperHeavy, SuperHeavy
Posted on September 30, 2011 Mike EliasSuperHeavy tried to make a record that would incorporate so much, reach so many, but it collapses on itself like Wall Street and the Greek economy.
Richard “Groove” Holmes, Book of the Blues, Vol. 1
Posted on September 28, 2011 DJ Father TimeThe B-3 is funky. “Groove” Holmes is funky. Warner Brothers records circa 1964 was not funky.
Covering The Tighten Up, A Survey by Brother Tad
Posted on August 30, 2011 Brother TadThe summer of 1968 was, as always, hot and sticky in the middle plains town where I spent my youth. Taking American History for summer school meant attending class in the old, non-air conditioned high school downtown.
The Ettes, Wicked Will
Posted on August 9, 2011 Mike EliasIt’s a step in a different direction from the previous Greg Cartwright produced album, but not into a different territory. Wicked Will sounds more like the early Ettes, but a bit more refined.